Education for life

High school Meerane

"Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi"

Cosmopolitanism, values and norms, a sound general education, foreign language skills and, last but not least, media and business competence: For us, the International Gymnasium Meerane "Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi", these are not just empty words in times of increasing globalization. For us, holistic education means learning with head, heart and hand.

We want to make growing people strong for this ever-growing, ever-changing world in the spirit of our namesake Carl Hahn "My field is the world". What makes our school so special and what we have to offer, you can find out here.


News from
the school day

Christmas concert 2024: A celebration of school and music

On Thursday, December 19, the traditionally festively decorated auditorium of our school became the setting for a special evening: the Christmas Concert 2024 offered a successful mix of music, lyrics and theater, which put our audience - consisting of parents, partners and friends - in a contemplative pre-Christmas mood.
Under the direction of our music teacher Helko Kühne and with a lot of passion from the participating students, a varied program was presented. It ranged from lively band pieces to emotional solo performances and a humorous sketch.


"Hotsy Totsy"
Children's Center for Holistic
Therapy and Soul Happiness

Occupational therapy, speech therapy, physical therapy and courses for educators as well as parents.

Language diversity

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