Meerane International High School

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Dates & Data

For all other class dates, our parents please use the calendar on Lernsax.

24.01.-26.01.25 "KarriereStart 2025 - Die Bildungs-, Job- und Gründermesse in Sachsen", Messe Dresden
27.01.25 Holocaust Memorial Day
30.01.25 Thursday Vorabitur Fremdsprachen prakt. Part
31.01.25 Friday Pre-Baccalaureate Biology, English, History

04.02.25 Tuesday Pre-Baccalaureate German
06.02.25 Thursday Pre-Baccalaureate Mathematics
05.02.25 08:00 Grades 5-10 and 11/1
10.-14.02.25 FFL Project Week Grades 5-10
12.02.25 BOM: Career Orientation Fair
12.02.25 English Wednesday
14.02.25 Applicant training for year 11
14.02.25 Fit for life for year 12
14.02.25 End of the course semester 11/1
14.02.25 Report cards for years 5 to 10 KL
17.02.-01.03.25 Winter vacations

01.03.25 Start of course semester 11/2 and 2nd school semester
05.03.25 Competency test Deu cl. 8
06.03.25 Competency test En cl. 8
07.03.25 Competency test Ma cl. 8

08.03.25, 10:00-14:00 Open day


10.03.25 BLF German
12.03.25 BLF English
12.03.25 English Wednesday #7
12.03.25 Comparative tests SIS German
13.03.25 Vernissage KuGK12 + evening program MuGK12
14.03.25 BLF Mathematics (school portal 11.03.2025)
15.03.25 TdoT at IGS Glauchau
16.03 - 21.03.2025 : Ski camp in Fendels
Final grades 12/2
17.03.25 Spanish Olympiad FS Languages
17.03.-21.03.25 Parents' evenings for class leaders
17.03.03.-22.03.25 "Schau rein" Woche der offenen Unternehmen Sachsen
17.03.25 Spanish Language Olympics at IGM FS Sprachen
18.03.25 telc Spanish at IGM Seidel
19.03.25 English Language Olympics at IGM FS Sprachen
20.03.25 telc English at IGM Seidel
20.03.25 Kangaroo competition FS Maths
21.03.25 Class 12: Announcement of Abitur admissions and examination instructions
24.03.-26.03.25 Class. 12: Consultations
27-28.03.2025 Class 12: Consultations voluntary
02.04. - 29.04.25 Written Abitur examinations
02.04.2025 Abitur written LK Biology (late date 08.05.2025)
09.04.2025 Practical part of the written examination in English (late date 12.05.2025)
10.04.2025 Abitur written in English (late date 13.05.2025)
15.04.2025 Abitur written in History (late date 06.05.2025)
17.04.2025 Abitur written LK and GK Mathematics (follow-up date 16.05.2025
29.04.2025 Abitur written LK and GK German (follow-up date 14.05.2024)
03.04.25 "Girls- and Boys-Day" individual
09.04.25 English Wednesday #8
17.04.25 School theater festival Zwickau (Theater-AG) Kp
07.-17.04.25 Internship grade 9
14.-17.04.25 Internship grade 7 and 8
14.+ 15.04.25 Combination with Prakt. Class 10 (TU Chemnitz, FH Zwickau)
16.04.25 Class 10a: Excursion Halle (Planetarium, Nebra Sky Disk, Museum)
17.04.25 Class 10a: Exc. Leipzig (City-Tunnel, Thomas-/Nikolai-Kirche, Auerb. Keller, Airport)
16.04.-17.04.25 Internship class 5/6 Kühne
18.04.-25.04.25 Easter vacations
30.04.-22.05.25 Oral exams P4 and P5 and written exams

01-02.05.25 Public holiday + floating vacation
05.05.25 Main examination day oral Abitur (grades 5 to 11 SOL at home)
08:00 Assessment test in the language of origin (int. students grade 10)
06.05.25 SIS reading competition of grades 5 FL German 5
07.05.25 Grade 9: Buchenwald memorial trip
07.05.25 English Wednesday #9
08.05.25 19:30 Kl. 10: Excursion DHL Leipzig
09.05.25 Europe Day
15.05.25 18:30 2nd school conference
18:00 First parents' evening for the new Year 5 + welcome program
24.05.25 15:00 School party 150th anniversary
26.05.25 Submissionof all corrected and finally graded examination papers to the OSB/PKV
by 27.05.25 Application for recognition of exceptional hardship submitted to PAV, §66 Para. 1 S 3 SOGYA
27.05.25 Announcement of the written Abitur results and the supplementary examination
Report cards 12/2 OSB
28.05.25 19:00 Kl. 10: Excursion DHL Leipzig (2nd group)
29. -30.05.25 Ascension Day and central day off
02.06.25 Arrangement of additional oral examinations according to § 50 paragraph 11 sentence 1 number 2 of the SOGYA OSB
03.06. - 10.06.25 Additional oral Abitur examinations
05.06.25 Athletics sports festival for grades 5-11 with grading FS Sport, all teachers
09.06.25 Whit Monday holiday
11.06.25 Final consultation of the examination board
11.06.25 English Wednesdayn

13.06.25 1st-4th lessons until 11:05 a.m.,
from 11:05 a.m.: tidy rooms, clean, decorate (except Student Company)
from 12:00 p.m.: set up for the school festival according to plan KL + L
14.06.2025 School festival 150 years of school

Penultimate school week:
16.06.25 08:00 Closing date for grades 5-10 and 11/2
Entry of all suggestions for top marks
21.06.25 13:30 Photo session for Abitur students
14:30 Handing out ofAbitur certificates
21.06.25 19:00 Abitur ball

Last school week:
23.+ 25.+ 26.06.25 Class leader days KL
24.06.25 Tuesday, Genial sozial
11.06.25 Report on analysis results of the Abitur exams and BLF to LaSuB, by
27.06.25 1st - 2nd hour issue of report cards 5 - 10 and 11/2

28.06.- 08.08.25 Summer vacations
11.07.2025 Srebrenica 1995 Memorial Day (UN)
11.08.25 First day of school 2024/25 school year

Language diversity

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