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November 9: Fateful Day of the Germans

No other date in German history is so loaded with history, which stirs up both positive and negative emotions, as November 9.
Therefore, the advanced course History 12 decided to pay special attention to this day and visited the traveling exhibition #StolenMemory, which is currently located in Meerane in the form of a container. After a short introductory event, in which it was explained to us that the exhibition tells about people who were deported by the Nazis and imprisoned in concentration camps, and families are being sought to return stored mementos, the mayor of the city of Meerane, Jörg Schmeißer, also addressed a few words to the guests in reference to November 9, 1938. He stressed how important it is to remember and commemorate on such a day, especially so that one of the darkest chapters of German history is not repeated. As a symbolic gesture, he cleaned one of nine Stolpersteine in the city, which commemorate persecuted and deported citizens from Meerane during the Nazi era. And we also cleaned one such Stolperstein. Directly opposite the school, Innere Crimmitschauer Straße 12, the Stolperstein "Anna Marie Funk" was laid in 2021. A woman who was murdered by the Nazis in the course of Aktion T 4 in Pirna-Sonnenstein.
By cleaning this stone we can make a small but nevertheless important contribution to strengthen our historical awareness and to support remembrance culture.

Marcel Fehre - Course Leader History Advanced Course AK23

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